Available for your review are some of our most important park documents. We take great pride in what we have created and willingly agree to follow these documents.
Park Rules – SKP Park of the Sierras, Inc. (updated 5/10/18)
Park Rules are instructions for the behavior and conduct of members as related to the Park. The Board of Directors is authorized to amend rules. Any such changes must be approved by a majority vote of the membership.
Bylaws – SKP Park of the Sierra, Inc. (updated 5/10/18)
Bylaws are regulations for the conduct of the business and activities of the corporation. The Board of Directors is authorized to amend bylaws, but any such changes must be approved by a majority vote of the membership.
Membership Agreement – SKP Park of the Sierra, Inc. (updated 7/19/16)
Our Membership Agreement binds both new members and the Corporation and outlines benefits and obligations for each member. Completion of a Membership Agreement is the capstone of the new member process.
P-10 Site Improvement Policy – SKP Park of the Sierras, Inc. (updated 3/20/13)
This policy prescribes the rules governing the improvements that members may or may not make to their sites in SKP Park of the Sierras (POS) and the procedure to be followed in gaining approvals to make the improvements.
Articles Of Incorporation – SKP Park of the Sierras, Inc.
This Corporation is a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation organize under the Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law. The purpose of this corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which a corporation may be organized under such law.